The historic Battle of 1813 at Sumilon signaled the end of slavers' constant attacks on the southern towns of Cebu. It was a battle won through cooperation among simple townfolks coupled by a well-designed defense by a Spanish Augustinian Friar named Julian Bermejo. These coastal towns have been under constant threat by marauders. Boljoon was one left in disarray and its church desecrated after an attack by slavers in 1782. The 25-year old Fray Julian was assigned to Boljoon in October 19, 1802. He was parish priest of the town until 1808 and intermittently served on neighboring towns, including Oslob, Argao, and Dalaguete.
Additional baluartes were extended to Carcar in the north for a total of 96 kilometers. These baluartes, named after saints, were in line of sight of each other and was an early warning system for intruders. With this set-up, the coastal communities would be forewarned of any attacks. Local guards guarded in shifts and reported the approach of raiders using a system of flags. These flags measured approximately ten meters in length and mounted on poles eight fathoms tall. White flags were raised to warn of an impending attack. The number of times they were raised and lowered indicated the number of hostiles approaching. If the raiders went away, a black flag was raised. A red flag indicated the raiders' northern or southern positions. Not content with merely defense, Fray Julian organized a small armada of ten barangays (shallow draft boats) ready to set sail at quick notice. They were led and operated by the townsfolk from Boljoon, Oslob and Caceres. The vessels were armed with falconets, fore and aft, and its crew with a variety of weapons for close combat. The communities supported the small armada through a regular supply of food. The course of history changed in 1813 when Fray Julian's small barangay flotilla proved effective. It scored a decisive victory against the raiders in a naval encounter near Sumilon. From then on, the slavers avoided the southern Cebu coastal communities and shifted their attacks elsewhere. The civil government took note of Fray Julian's achievements and recommended that other Visayan communities in the Visayas organize warning systems and local armadas similar to Fray Julian's set-up.
On our way to the Island of Sumilon.
Everyone is ready and very excited for our first experience in Sumilon Island.
The ride will take you to the Island for 45 minutes.
After an hour, were already in the Island of Sumilon. Ready for and adventure and to explore more in the Island. A camera is a must!
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